CSci 150: Foundations of computer science
Home Syllabus Readings Projects Tests

Project 2: Adventure

Due: 11:00pm, Monday, May 5. Value: 40 pts.

Stupid wizard. Driving around the countryside, you stopped to enjoy the scenery outside. But you locked your wand in the car, so you couldn't get back in. The only thing to do was to bushwhack through the forest in hope of reaching a locksmith. Along the way, you fell into a cave, with no way to climb out. And you can't cast your levitation spell without a wand. You have to find some other way out of this cave.

In each room of this cave, there's an obstacle that prevents you from leaving that room easily. Luckily, you happened to be carrying four potions in your robe's pockets, which might be helpful for getting past the obstacles. Of course, you have only one dose of each potion, and that dose will only last long enough for you to exit the current room.

Let's see if there's a way out….

The code available for download sets up this scenario. When you have it working, the program sohuld work as shown in the attached transcript.

Your job is to complete one class — the Wizard class — which is used by the run function. You should not modify the any class but Wizard, though you'll need to examine the methods provided by the Room and Monster classes. The Wizard class requires a constructor and three methods.


(Constructor) Constructs a wizard whose initial location is startloc (a Room object) and who is carrying all the potions in potions (a list of strings).

I recommend that the object be initialized to have three instance variables (that is, variables within self). One will refer to the Room where the wizard currently is; another will be a list of the names of potions the wizard is still carrying; and the last will be True or False depending on whether the wizard has drunk a potion that defeats the monster in the current room — it will be set to True when the wizard drinks a working potion, and it will be reset to False when the wizard moves to a different room.


Returns True if this wizard has gotten out of the cave. You can detect this condition by checking whether the wizard is currently in a room whose “monster” is None.


Displays a description of this wizard's current situation, including the description of the room and the list of potions currently being carried.


Handles a command typed by the user. The user may enter a potion, which would remove it from the list of potions the wizard holds. Or the user may type a direction (n/s/e/w), in which case the wizard may change rooms — if there is a passage in that direction, and if while in the current room the wizard drank a potion that gets by the monster. (The user may also type quit or exit to exit the program, but you don't need to worry about this since it is handled by the run function before invoking handle_command.)

There are three error conditions: The given command could not be interpreted, the monster blocks the exit, or there is no exit in the given direction. Another possible error condition is that the user types the name of a potion that has already been drunk, but you can treat that the same as a command that cannot be interpreted. In any of these cases, the method should display a message to that effect, and the command has no further effect.

To test to see whether the game continues to work at its end, you could of course solve the puzzle. But an easier way is to modify the next-to-last line of the create_world function so that the initial room is rooms[5] rather than rooms[0]. From there, you have only to go south to reach the exit.