CSci 150: Foundations of computer science
Home Syllabus Readings Projects Tests


More will be posted here as the class continues.

20 Jan: defining computer science [coming soon!]
22 Jan: integer variables
27 Jan: functions & strings
28 Jan: types & I/O
27 Jan: for loops
31 Jan: lists
3 Feb: if statements
7 Feb: else & methods
12 Feb: while statements
14 Feb: regular expressions
17 Feb: nested loops
18 Feb: string formatting
19 Feb: modules
21 Feb: more on ifs
24 Feb: break statement
28 Feb: list methods
4 Mar: binary & ASCII
5 Mar: creating functions
7 Mar: scope & fruitless functions
10 Mar: references & parameters
11 Mar: passwords
12 Mar: decomposition & clustering
14 Mar: dictionaries
17 Mar: more with dictionaries
19 Mar: how dictionaries work
31 Mar: text files
1 Apr: binary search [not yet written]
2 Apr: files & regular expressions
8 Apr: selection sort
9 Apr: recursion on sequences
11 Apr: recursion on integers
14 Apr: recursion with loops
18 Apr: tuples
21 Apr: string constants and comments [not yet written]
22 Apr: insertion and merge sort
23 Apr: classes
25 Apr: class constructors
28 Apr: linked lists
29 Apr: game playing
30 Apr: modifying linked lists