Session 27: Computational complexity

    Basic rules
Sorting techniques
    Selection sort
    Insertion sort



Big-O notation is a technique for quickly approximating the speed of a procedure. Basically, it identifies whether the running time grows exponentially with the input size, or whether it grows linearly, or quadratically, or whatever.

We can define the time to run a procedure as T(n), a function T of the input size n. Big-O notation would write something like the following.

T(n) = O(n2)
This would say that T(n) grows approximately as quickly as the function f(n) does - that is, that T is bounded by a parabola. (Don't get messed up by the use of O here, which looks mysteriously like a function. The notation ``= O(...)'' is purely syntactic for saying that the function on the left-hand side grows about as quickly as the expression inside the parentheses.)

Formally, the notation T(n) = O(g(n)) means the following: There is some constant c and some input size N, so that for any input sizes n beyond N,

T(n) <= c*g(n)

For example, consider the following code that determines whether a number n is prime.

int i;
for(i = 2; i * i <= n; i++) {
  if(n % i == 0) {
    IO.println("not prime");
if(i * i > n) IO.println("is prime");
This procedure turns out to take O(n0.5) time: The total number of iterations can be bounded by sqrt(n), and the amount of time for each iteration is bounded by a constant.

Basic rules

There are three helpful rules that you might keep in mind when you're trying to evaluate the speed of a program.

  1. Any segment of code that includes no loops or function calls takes O(1) time.
  2. If one segment of code takes X time and another takes Y time, then doing the first segment followed by the other takes a total of X + Y time.
  3. If each iteration of a loop takes X time and there are Y iterations of the loop, then the overall time for doing the loop is X*Y.

In our primality example, we would reason like the following.

  1. Applying the first rule, we see that the program has the following form.
    O(1) time
    for(...) {
      O(1) time
    O(1) time
    Each of the blocks replaced by ``O(1) time'' involved no loops or function calls.

  2. We go through at most sqrt(n) iterations of the for loop, and each iteration takes O(1) time. So (using the third rule above) the total time for the for loop is O(n0.5). Thus, we can now write the structure of the procedure as follows.
    O(1) time
    O(sqrt(n)) time
    O(1) time

  3. Employing the second rule, we see that the current form consumes O(1) time, followed by O(sqrt(n)) time, for a total of O(1+sqrt(n)) = O(sqrt(n)). After this, we spend O(1) time again, for a total of O(sqrt(n)+1) = O(sqrt(n) time.


// exponentation, method 1: finds a to the bth power
ret = 1.0;
for(int i = b; i > 0; i--) ret *= a;

// exponentiation, method 2: finds a to the bth power
ret = 1.0;
int i = n;
while(i > n) {
    if(i % 2 == 0) {
        i = i / 2;
    } else {
        ret *= a;
        i = (i - 1) / 2;
    a = a * a;

// count lattice points: determines how many integer-coordinate
//    points lie in a circle of radius r
count = 0;
y = 0;
x = r;
while(x > 0) {
    while(x*x + y*y < r*r) {
    count += y;
IO.println(4 * count + 1);

This last example illustrates an example where the ``basic rules'' outlined above give a poor solution: You're better off reasoning through the problem more carefully.

Sorting techniques

As you'll quickly learn, sorting an array is one of computer science's favorite topics. It's highly useful, simple, and nonetheless interesting. No fewer than four of the required classes for a major address the topic (150, 160, 200, 338).

Selection sort

There are lots of techniques. Personally, my favorite technique - just because it's the simplest to understand and implement - is selection sort. The selection sort algorithm involves finding the smallest element of the array, and swapping it with the first element. Then finding the smallest element after the first element, and swapping it with the second element. Then finding the smallest element after the second element and swapping it with the third element, etc. Once you're done, the array is sorted.

public class SelectionSort {
    public static void sort(int[] elts) {
        for(int i = 0; i < elts.length; i++) {
            int min = i; // min will be index of minimum starting at i
            for(int j = i + 1; j < elts.length; j++) {
                if(elts[j] < elts[min]) min = j;
            if(i != min) { // swap elts[i] and elts[min]
                int temp = elts[i];
                elts[i] = elts[min];
                elts[min] = temp;

Insertion sort

Insertion sort is a different algorithm, which you may remember from a CSCI 150 lab: In insertion sort, you begin with the first element, which by itself is already sorted. But then you insert the second element into the list (possibly swapping the first and second elements). Then you insert the third element into the first two elements where it fits.

public class InsertionSort {
    public static void sort(int[] elts) {
        for(int i = 1; i < elts.length; i++) {
            int k = elts[i]; // store element i in k
            int j;
            for(j = i - 1; j >= 0 && elts[j] > k; j--) {
                elts[j + 1] = elts[j]; // shift elts[j] up one slot
            elts[j + 1] = k; // place k into vacated slot

(Notice the use of the short-circuit property of && in the condition for the for loop: We test whether j >= 0 first, and then we test whether elts[j] > k. This order is important. If we tested whether elts[j] > k first, then it might happen that j was -1, in which case this would throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.)

Although insertion sort and selection sort both consume O(n2) time, insertion sort is considered to be faster, since it at least sometimes does better. For example, if somehow we knew the array was already sorted, insertion sort would only take O(n) time. Of course, if we knew it were already sorted, why would we call it? But insertion sort also does well if the list is almost sorted.

Given these two sorting techniques, you might be inclined to give up: Is there any hope for doing better than O(n2)? It turns out there is, but that's a topic for later.