CSCI 350 Fall 2001 Quiz 5


mean     46.154 (600.000/13)
stddev   3.060
median   47.000
midrange 44.000-48.750

#   avg
1	7.31 / 8
2	7.38 / 9
3	8.46 / 9
4	7.85 / 8
5	7.38 / 8
6	7.77 / 8

  1. [8 pts] Name a primary purpose of an operating system.

    An operating system manages hardware resources (providing easy access to user programs, allocating resources between programs, and protecting resources from damage by programs).

  2. [9 pts] Name three specific pieces of data found in a typical page table entry.

  3. [9 pts] What distinguishes a thread from a process?

    Each process gets its own set of resources (memory, file descriptors, etc), while threads share the same set of resources within a process.

  4. [8 pts] We discussed the relative merits of implementing threads as a kernel-independent user library (user-level threads) and of implementing threads via system calls to the kernel (kernel-level threads). Explain an advantage of one of the approaches over the other. Be sure to mention which approach your point supports.

    Some of the better answers:

  5. [8 pts] We discussed three capabilities that TCP provides on top of IP. Name two of them.