LbSt 101: Explorations
Home Syllabus Assignments

Dr. Carl Burch
Telephone:450-1377 (office); 548-0036 (home)
Office:MCRey 310
Office hours:  MF 1:10–2, W 3:10–4, R 9:10–10
drop-ins, appointments always welcome
Brett Geren
Description Explorations is a one semester common course taken by all new first-year students at Hendrix. The course meets once a week and carries 0.25 credit. It is designed to assist you in becoming familiar with the mission and expectations of the College, with campus life, and with the broad range of opportunities that are available at Hendrix. Equally important, this course will facilitate your own personal exploration, encouraging you to develop, refine, and expand your abilities and interests. Explorations will enhance your potential for success in all areas of your Hendrix experience. An upperclass Hendrix student will serve as an Explorations Peer Assistant for the course, bringing perspective and knowledge about Hendrix that adds a vital dimension to the course.
  1. To assist you in making a successful transition to academic and student life at Hendrix.
  2. To assist you in developing and refining your thoughts and abilities in areas relating to your academic and personal fulfillment and success.

Davies, Peter Ho. How to Be an Expatriate. Equal Love. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000. 70–81.

Spiegelman, Art. Maus: a survivor's tale. I: My Father Bleeds History. New York: Pantheon, 1986.

Hacker, Diana. A Pocket Style Manual. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2008.

Hendrix Catalog, 2009-2010 and Explorations Notebook.


A hallmark of your education at Hendrix is an emphasis on class interaction and discussion. Explorations instructors seek to model these pedagogies with class sessions that include discussion, group activities, and presentations. In order to be prepared for class, you are expected to complete reading and other assignments prior to the class period for which they are assigned. Expect Explorations assignments and experiences to take, on average, two (2) hours per week outside of class, for an expected total of about 24 hours for the semester. Your grade will be based on the quality of your assigned work, attendance, and class participation and preparation. Missing or late assignments and absences will affect your preparation and participation grade.

Here's how your course grade will be computed:

Attendance200 pts
Participation & preparation200 pts
Maus paper200 pts
How to Be an Expatriate paper150 pts
Engaged learning project (Mini-Odyssey)150 pts
Week-4 Gen Ed mini-paper50 pts
Self-reflection and advisor meeting50 pts
TOTAL1,000 pts

A total of 900 or more points earns an A, 800 a B, 700 a C, 600 a D, and below 600 is failing.

Attendance Class attendance is assumed at Hendrix. Students may miss one Explorations class without penalty. Each additional absence lowers your attendance grade by fifty (50) points. BONUS: Students attending all class sessions will have fifty (50) points added to their attendance point total. Absences related to Hendrix varsity athletics must be excused prior to the absence occasioned by the team schedule. Excused absence requests related to health issues must be accompanied by a doctor's note, presented not later than one week after the absence. Other excused absence requests, noted to your instructor in advance, may be considered at the discretion of the instructor. See the Class Attendance Policy in the 2009-2010 Catalog.
Communication Hendrix faculty and staff will expect to communicate with you through your Hendrix email account and campus mail regularly and in a timely fashion. Hendrix students are expected to check theses sources daily for announcements and assignments. Please note that faculty and staff are not expected to respond to Hendrix email or phone messages outside of standard working hours.
Honesty Students are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity. Incidences of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be dealt with by the Committee on Academic Integrity. Refer to the Academic Integrity Policy in the 2009–2010 Catalog.
Accommodations It is the policy of Hendrix College to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Any student who needs accommodation in relation to a recognized disability should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course. In order to receive accommodations, students with disabilities are directed to contact Julie Brown in Academic Support Services at 505-2954.