Science of Computing Suite (SOCS):
Resources for a Breadth-First Introduction

Carl Burch and Lynn Ziegler

extended abstract, (Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), 2004)


SOCS home page


Over the last ten years, our department's breadth-first introductory course has evolved into a novel --- and we believe highly successful --- introduction to computer science. Due to its success, we have adapted it into a popular course for non-majors. None of the published resources match our vision for these courses, and so the department has developed its own. In this paper, we describe the design of the majors course, and we introduce a variety of resources developed for both courses. These resources, which could be useful in many other courses also, are freely available through the Web.

Science of Computing Suite (SOCS): Resources for a Breadth-First Introduction / Publications / Carl Burch